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The thread for message No. 2937. Subject: Slovenska Ves & Jezersko Ancestors. (Sent on 11 IX 2017 22:07)

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2937 - subject: Slovenska Ves & Jezersko Ancestors

11 IX 2017 22:07, from: Misha
I am looking for information on the following ancestors of my parents:
Slovenska Ves
Katarina Melikant - My grandmother - Daughter of Anna Bucsak and Michael Melikant
Anna Bucsak - my great grandmother ( I have no information)
Michael Melikant

2938 - subject: Re: Slovenska Ves & Jezersko Ancestors

16 IX 2017 10:01, from: Zierfuss
Môžete mi poslať kontakt na meno Misha ? Ďakujem.

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