The High Tatras - Volia Veza
The Volia Veza Tower (2370 or 2373m), at the end of Mengusovska Dolina Valley, is for alpinists one of the most popular peaks in The High Tatras.

Volia Veza Peak - the popular slab and left ridge with a little harder climbing routes.

The slab at the Volia Veza Peak is very popular (and easy climb).

A view from south-east ridge of Volia Veza Peak to Zabie Plesa tarns.

At the Volia Veza Peak.

A view to Sedlo Vaha Saddle with the path to Rysy, and Cesky Stit Peak from Volia Veza.

A view from the Volia Veza Peak to Poland side of the High Tatras.

Volia Veza Peak - late afternoon.

Descent to Mengusovska Dolina Valley.
Published: 2011-10-04
Updated: 2011-10-04
Categories: Climbing