Vysoke Tatry: Winter panoramas by Teryho Chata Chalet
Teryho Chata on NOvember 25, 2021.
Teryho Chata Chalet in Mala Studená dolina in the High Tatras is open all winter and such winter panoramas open to its inhabitants. "Terynka" is the highest (2015 m above sea level) cottage open all year round in the High Tatras. Zbojnicka Chata in the neighboring Veľká Studená dolina lies at an altitude of 1960 m.
View from Teryho Chata to Mala Studena Dolina Valley. November 28, 2020.
Upper part of Mala Studena Dolina Valley - Dolinka pod Sedielkom. There is frozen Modre Pleso Tarn in middle bottom part of the picture. November 30, 2020.
In the moonlight. December 2, 2021.
Macacie Veze Towers, Pysne Stity Peaks and Lomnicky Stit peak. December 5, 2020.
December 8, 2020. Zlta Stena, Prostredny Hrot and Maly Hrot Peaks and Zlta Veza Tower.
Maly Ladovy Stit Peak.
In the background in the pink Gerlach Peak massif. In the foreground Bradavica, Weszter`s Peak, Kupola and Vychodna Vysoka Peaks. Photographed from the Prostredny Hrot massif.
Visitor at the chalet.
Christmas 2020.
December 29, 2020.
Baranie Rohy Peak, December 29, 2020.
Zlta stena a Prostredny hrot, January 8,2021.
Good morning, January 28, 2021.
Tatra sherpa just before the finish, February 6, 2021.
February 20, 2021.
More information:
Trip to Zbojnicka Chata
Z Téryho chaty v Malej Studenej doline vo Vysokých Tatrách to za peknými panorámami nie je ďaleko. Radi sme ich prevzali do Panorámy.
Published: 2021-03-11
Updated: 2021-03-11
Categories: Photo Stories, Movies