in SlovakSK

Along Danube River - guidebook on cycling - Wien - Bratislava - Budapest

Along the Danube River

Popri Dunaji - Along Danube river: Wien - Bratislava - Budapest. Cycling guidebook describes cycling tours along the Danube River. In the Slovak language only.

More information:

V Bratislave a okoli - Cyklisticky sprievodca po bratislavskych uliciach a humnach

Cycling routes - Bratislava, Cunovo

Map of cykling routes at the beginning of Gabcikovo dam close to Bratislava.

Along the Danube River - videocasette

There is the Along the Danube River videocasette with the same contents. 62 minutes, VHS PAL, Color HiHi Stereo. Languages: Slovak, or Hungarian.

Popri Dunaji - cyklisticky sprievodca na trase Wien - Bratislava - Budapest (Outsold)
Price: EUR 6.31
Scale: 0
Category: Cycling Maps and Guides
Published by: Tomas Hucko
Edition 1.
Published in 2001.
ISBN: 80-968583-4-3
132 pp.
Dimensions: 21.00 x 12.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Cycling Maps and Guides

Published: 2003-05-07
Updated: 2003-05-07

Categories: Trips, walks - Cycling