Colloquial Slovak is a textbook of Slovak language from Series Colloquial (Routledge). It is both for self-study students and classes. The course offers student a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Slovak. No prior knowledge of the language is required. MP3 records are available for download.
James Naughton writes in introduction:
This book has been designed for the complete beginner and assumes no kind of specialized linguistic competence. It aims take learners up to a level at which they can communicate usefully on a range of everyday topics and begin to tackle books and newspapers. It combines everyday dialogues and simple narrative texts with explanation of individual language points and essential structures. A recording has been produced to accompany the book, a its use is of course particularly recommended if you are working without a teacher or native speaker.
Abbreviations used
Introduction 1
Pronunciation guide 4
1 Ako sa mate? - How are you? 10
2 Co robite? - What are you doing? 22
3 Si leniva? - Are you lazy? 32
4 Idem do mesta - I'm going to town 42
5 Chcem ist do kina - I want to go to the cinema 54
6 To je krasna dedina! - That's a lovely village! 66
7 Ranajky, obed, vecera - Breakfast, lunch, supper 81
8 Chcela napisat list - She wanted to write a letter 93
9 Stratila som cestovny pas - I've lost my passport 106
10 Mozem ist dalej? - Can I come in? 119
11 Nakupovanie - Shopping 131
12 Kolko je hodin? - What time is it? 143
13 Ako macka s mysou - Like a cat with a mouse 153
14 Sveter, Tatry a Ludovit Stur - A sweater, the Tatras and Ludovit Stur 164
15 Co keby, - What if? 180
16 Mate volny stol? - Do you have a table free? 195
Grammar summary 214
Key to exercises 228
Slovak-English glossary 246
English-Slovak glossary 276
Index of language points 285
Slovak Language for Foreigners
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Colloquial Slovak, textbook + free MP3 Autor: James Naughton Price: EUR 56.30 Scale: 0 Category: Slovak Language, Textbooks Published by: Routledge Edition 12. Published in 2015. ISBN: 9781138960206 0 pp. Paperback Dimensions: 0.00 x 0.00 cm | ||
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More in the category >> Slovak Language, Textbooks |
Published: 2009-10-01
Updated: 2009-10-01
Categories: - Languages, Translations