in SlovakSK

Cycling Maps - Bratislava and Surroundings

Okolie Bratislavy, Malé Karpaty (Výlety na bicykli) - Cover

Surroundings of Bratislava, Male Karpaty Mountains

The guide is in Slovak languge. List of 29 cycling routes and maps in scales 1:40,000 and 1:90,000.

More information:

Okolie Bratislavy, Male Karpaty (Vylety na bicykli)

Záhorie, Malé Karpaty (Výlety na bicykli)  - Cover Page

Zahorie, Male Karpaty (Vylety na bicykli)

Cycling guide in area of Zahorie - western part of southern Slovakia and in Male Karpaty Mountains. 23 routes. Scale 1:100,000. There are tours to Austira and Czech republic too. In Slovak language.

More information:

Zahorie, Male Karpaty (Vylety na bicykli)

Danube Bike Trail Passau - Bratislava - Cover Page

Donauradweg - Danube Bike Trail Passau - Bratislava

Map in a scale 1:125000 describes cycling route along the Danube River from Passau to Bratislava.

More information:

Cycling and Leisure Maps of Austria

Nationalpark Donau - Auen - Lobau - Hainburg - Marchegg - Gänserndorf - Bruck a.d. Leitha - Cover Page

Nationalpark Donau-Auen - Lobau - Hainburg - Merchegg - Gänsendorf - Bruck a. d. Leitha (Wander-, Rad- und Freizeitkarte)

The map in scale 1 : 50 000 is for cyclotourists who want to discover cyclotours in the Austrian National Park Donau – Auen . It may be useful also for those, who look for cyclotours in the Slovak Danubian region Zahorie and Bratislava surroundings.

More information:

Nationalpark Donau - Auen - Lobau - Hainburg - Marchegg - Gänsendorf - Bruck a.d. Leitha (Wander-, Rad- und Freizeitkarte)

Cycling Map Neusiedler See - EisenStadt - Leithagebirge- Rust - Sopron - Seewinkel Nationalpark  -  Cover Page

Neusiedler See - EisenStadt - Leithagebirge- Rust - Sopron - Seewinkel Nationalpark

Map in scale 1 : 50 000 and guide.

Palava, Lednicko-valticky areal - Cover Page

Palava - Lednicko-Valticky Area (Cycling Map)

Znojemsko - Cycling Map - Cover

Znojemsko (Cycling Map)

Slovacko, Hodoninsko - Cover

Slovacko - Hodoninsko (Cycling Map)

Slovacko, Bile Karpaty - Cover

Slovacko - Bile Karpaty (Cycling Map)

Okoli Brna - Zdanicky les - Cover

Brno Surrounding, Zdanicky les (Cycling Map)

This page is a part of Bratislava online guide.

More information:

Online Bratislava Guide

Bratislava and Surroundings- Guidebooks and Maps

Okolie Bratislavy, Male Karpaty (Vylety na bicykli)
Price: EUR 6.80
Scale: 0
Category: Cycling Maps and Guides
Published by: Shocart
Edition 1.
Published in 2009.
ISBN: 978-80-7224-641-0
88 pp.
Dimensions: 12.50 x 20.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Cycling Maps and Guides

Published: 2006-02-17
Updated: 2006-02-17

Categories: Trips, walks - Cycling