in SlovakSK

Zahorie - Potulky krajinou - Streifzüge durch das Land - A Wander Through the Countryside

Zahorie - Cover Page

Illustrated book presents the Slovak region Zahorie. Text is in Slovak, German and English languages. Discounted price 11 EUR. (15 EUR.)

The Zahorie region lies in the Western part of Slovakia, behind the arc of the Carpathian Mountains. The region`s name is derived from the naming of an administrative unit of Bratislava as "Processus transmontanus" - that is, the southern and central parts of the Zahorie district lies "behind the mountains" ("za horami").

Cabbage days in Stupava - Photography from the book Zahorie

Preview from the book

Traditionally, at the beginning of October, Stupava hosts a favorite and much sought-after festival: Cabbage days. Included in the festivities are the competitions for the heaviest head of cabbage and the most originally carved pumpkin, a craft fairs and the tasting of the cabbage, along with a whole line of other cultural events.

The Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary in Gajary - Photography from the book Zahorie

A common characteristic of many churches in the Zahorie were giant defensive walls which were built to protect the populace from enemy incursion. The baroque Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary in Gajary dates from 1665-1673.

Hunting season in Zahorie - Photography from the book Zahorie

Zahorie forests have always been rich for the hunting of animals. Today they remain home to fauna such as deer, wild boar, mouflon, pheasant and rabbit.

Zahorie - Potulky krajinou - Streifzüge durch das Land - A Wander Through the Countryside
Price: EUR 11.00
Scale: 0
Category: Pictorial Books
Published by: JeS
Edition 1.
Published in 2009.
ISBN: 978-80-969537-0-7
173 pp.
Dimensions: 26.00 x 24.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Pictorial Books

Published: 2009-08-05
Updated: 2009-08-05

Categories: - Historical Attractions