in SlovakSK

Bratislava Hot Serenaders (CDs, DVD)

Bratislava Hot Serenaders

The Bratislava Hot Serenaders orchestra belongs among the few strictly-oriented music bands in Slovakia. Its eighteen enthusiastic players play Hot Jazz or Sweet and Dance Music which arrived in Europe at the end of the Twenties from America. The Serenaders have yet another love. It is also music - Slovak music. It was played and recorded in Bratislava and Prague in Thirties and Forties and is focused around one name extremely popular in that period: Frantisek Kristof Vesely.

More information:

CD Cotton Club Stomp - Bratislava Hot Serenaders

CD The Broken Record - Bratislava Hot Serenaders

CD Ked zastal cas

CD Lonely Melody - Bratislava Hot Serenaders

Milan Lasica and Bratislava Hot Serenaders - CD Ja som optimista, Cely svet sa mraci

CD Take It Easy - Bratislava Hot Serenaders

CD Cotton Club Stomp - Bratislava Hot Serenaders
Price: EUR 9.92
Scale: 0
Category: CDs - Slovak and Czech Evergreens, Theater, etc.
Published by: Fabart
Edition 0.
Published in 0.
0 pp.
Media: CD
Dimensions: 0.00 x 0.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> CDs - Slovak and Czech Evergreens, Theater, etc.

Published: 2009-10-01
Updated: 2009-10-01

Categories: - Music