in SlovakSK

The Christmas Time – Slovak Folk Carols, Blessing and Plays on CDs

Various forms of Slovak Christmas carols, blessings and plays show the extent of folklore manifestations in feast-day poetry, writes Ondrej Demo, the folk music editor of the Slovak Radio in the book Folk Christmas Carols, Blessings and Plays. Every region and probably every village has its own Christmas songs.

More information:

CD Vianocne a pastierske piesne (Christmas and Shepherds Songs)

CD Vianocne piesne a vinse zo Sumiaca (Christmas Songs and Blessings from Sumiac)

Vianoce v Detve / Christmas in Detva - DVD, or CD

4CD Radostne Vianoce

2CD Slovenske Vianoce: Pastierske Vianoce / Vstavajte pastieri

CD Putovanie Panny Marie (Christmas Play with Songs from Liptovske Sliace)

Published: 2006-12-03
Updated: 2006-12-03

Categories: - Regional Culture, Folklore