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Celkový počet: 33
Počet stránok:2
Christmas Markets in Bratislava
Updated: 11/23/2024
Slovak Folk Costumes
Updated: 01/15/2015
Romske piesne a mudre slova (Scores and lyrics of Gypsy songs)
Updated: 01/15/2015
Roma Community in Slovakia
Updated: 01/15/2015
Terchovska muzika music on the UNESCO heritage list
Updated: 12/09/2013
Fujara - the Slovak Musical Phenomena (A List of CDs)
Updated: 11/17/2011
Malovane salase (Second-hand Book)
Updated: 01/22/2011
Straznice (Second-hand Book)
Updated: 05/14/2010
Folk Culture (Cultural Heritage of Slovakia)
Updated: 05/05/2010
Ludovy odev na Spisi (Second-hand Book)
Updated: 03/19/2010
Slovenske spevy
Updated: 08/04/2009
Interview with music producer Viktor Szarka: Folklore from the beginning and continuously
Updated: 07/15/2009
The Folk Treasury of Slovakia
Updated: 05/10/2007
Slovakia - European Contexts of the Folk Culture
Updated: 03/14/2007
Travnice - Meadow Songs in Slovakia (A monograph + CD)
Updated: 02/05/2007
Slovak Folk Customs and Traditions
Updated: 01/17/2007
Vianocne ludove koledy, vinse a hry (Kniha slovenskeho folkloristu)
Updated: 01/03/2007
Juraj Janosik, the Slovak Robin Hood, has inspired Slovak artists during centuries
Updated: 12/18/2006
The Christmas Time – Slovak Folk Carols, Blessing and Plays on CDs
Updated: 12/03/2006
Interview with Slovak Ethnomusicologist Ondrej Demo - Song Maintains the Language
Updated: 11/07/2006
CD Pressburger Klezmer Band
Updated: 10/31/2006
The Slovak Folk Art Ensemble - SLUK (CDs The Nicest Slovak Folk Songs)
Updated: 10/18/2006
Tradicie slovenskej rodiny (Slovak Family Traditions)
Updated: 10/10/2006
Majstri (Masters - book about manufacturers of Slovak folk music instruments) - sold out
Updated: 03/16/2006
CD Najkrajsie slovenske ludove lubostne piesne, SLUK 8. - Laska, boze, laska (The Nicest Slovak Folk Love Songs)
Updated: 12/21/2005
Vianocne ludove koledy, vinse a hry (Folk Christmas Carols, Blessings and Plays analyzed by Slovak Folklorist)
Updated: 11/14/2005
Culinary in Slovakia (books, recipes)
Updated: 11/09/2005
Martin Jonas (Monograph about naiv painter)
Updated: 10/03/2005
Dekor symbol - Dekoratívna tradícia na Slovensku a európsky kontext
Updated: 08/15/2005
Zlata kniha Zahoria
Updated: 08/03/2005