in SlovakSK

Slovakia - European Contexts of the Folk Culture

Slovensko - Europske kontexty ludovej kultury - Cover Page

The team of authors of this work dealt with interpretations of results of the latest ethnological research from the perspective of European cultural history. From the outset, preparing a new synthesizing work on folk culture, as part of the Slovak cultural identity, was the focus.

Results of the ethnologists, folklorists and musicologists who prepared this publication document that impetuses of creation, stability and disintegration of traditions are conditioned by various factors and contexts, which largely provide the framework of folk culture and have broader relations. It is evident that cultural traditions that were created here over centuries can be likened to what was taking place throughout central Europe - strongly determined by plurality. The cultural memory of people in Slovakia was created by a multiplicity of ethnical, language and cultural factors, which also mirrored in the unprecedented colorfulness of forms, types and alternatives of folk culture.

Published in Slovak and English languages.

The jar from the Pukanec village - pohotography from ther book   Slovensko - Europske kontexty ludovej kultury


Introduction - Rastislava Stoličná (7)
Traditional Agrarian Culture - Peter Slavkovský (13)
Handicrafts and Home-produce - Michal Kaľavský (62)
Folk Trade - Ľubica Falťanová (83)
Food and Eating - Rastislava Stoličná (101)
Clothes and Footwear - Mojmír Benža (121)
Settlements and Dwelling Place - Soňa Kovačevičová (143)
Community of Village and Family - Katarína Apáthyová-Rusnáková, Rastislava Stoličná (171)
Calendar Customs - Viera Feglová (190)
Family Customs - Viera Feglová, Kornélia Jakubíková (215)
Folk Theatre - Daniel Luther (237)
Folk Art - Oľga Danglová (259)
Folk Narrative - Gabriela Kiliánová (282)
Folk Songs - Eva Krekovičová (301)
Folk Dance - Stanislav Dúžek (323)
Folk Music - Oskár Elschek (340)
Index (359)

More information:

Maly lexikon ludovej kultury Slovenska

Tradicna kultura regionov Slovenska

Pramene k obycajovej tradicii a sviatkovaniu na Slovensku na konci 20. storocia

Ethnographic Atlas of Slovakia

Encyklopedia ludovej kultury Slovenska

Slovensko - Europske kontexty ludovej kultury
Price: EUR 28.38
Scale: 0
Category: Folklore
Published by: VEDA
Edition 1.
Published in 2000.
ISBN: 80-224-0646-5
381 pp.
Dimensions: 21.50 x 29.50 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Folklore

Published: 2007-03-14
Updated: 2007-03-14

Categories: - Regional Culture, Folklore