in SlovakSK

The Folk Music Datelinka (CD Series from the Podpolanie Region)

Ondrej Molota from the Datelinka Folk Music Band

The Folk Music Datelinka (The Shamrock) was founded in early 70-ties as a part of the Detva Folk Ensemble. Folk band is based in the Krivan village near the Detva town. The region is famous for its rich folklore tradition.

More information:

CD Na tej Detve studna murovana - Ludova hudba Datelinka 3

CD Datelinka, drobno kvieta - Ondrej Molota a jeho hostia - Ludova hudba Datelinka 8

CD Molotovie husle - certovo remeslo - Ludova hudba Datelinka 9 (Navraty)

CD Na Strehovej Datelinka hrala

CD Datelinka 1 - Hore Detvou idem

CD Datelinka 4 - Spoza vrch Polany

CD Datelinka - Zlaty vyber 2

4CD Datelinka 1-2-3-4

4CD Datelinka 5-6-7-8

CD Datelinka - Zlaty vyber 1

CD Datelinka 10 - Zahrajze nam, Datelinka

CD Javorovie huslicky – Folk Music Datelinka 2

CD Molotovie husle - certovo remeslo - Ludová hudba Datelinka 9 (Navraty)
Price: EUR 7.95
Scale: 0
Category: Folk Music
Published by: Akcent Records
Edition 0.
Published in 0.
0 pp.
Media: CD
Dimensions: 0.00 x 0.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Folk Music

Published: 2011-12-15
Updated: 2011-12-15

Categories: Folk Music Records