The old Slavs named the mountains full of wild beasts and superstitions, The Tatras. Join us for a peek into their amazing kingdom. Look around quietly and let your thoughts be carried away by the grandeur of nature. You may be led to feel that all things in life are connected.
In parallel with our world, the world of animals with its own rules and laws exists. The worst thing is when these two worlds meet. People tend to think that we are the kings of the mankind, so it is our big concern when an animal threatens man who disobeys the rules. But in comparison how many animals people kill a day, it is only a tiny amount.
The documentary High Tatras - A Wilderness Frozen in Time describes the protected natural area in all its complexity, depicting it as a place where people encroach with respect for nature. Life in the mountains is pictured as a struggle for survival, as life in which man is put at the same level as other animal species.
"There is a world existing in parallel to the world of people, and it's not to be held responsible for our carelessness, said director of film Pavol Barabas. "It has its own territories and laws. It's a world we have tried to reveal a little in this film," he added.
The documentary was co-produced with Austria, and is gradually being accepted by the best-recognised film festivals with an environmental focus around the world. DVD includes Slovak, English, German and Russian language versions.
Director: Pavol Barabas
Screenplay: Pavol Barabas
Story: Tomas Hulik
Music: Martin Maok
Editor: Astrid Steiner
Director of Photography: Tomas Hulik
Pavol Barabas and his Wandering Camera
Comments to the story
In Slovak
::Dovolim si upozornit na maly detail - pokial som si vsimla, vo filme sa nehovori, ze ludia a vlci maju podobnu strategiu lovu, ale podobne zlozenie potravy. Prepacte, ale nedalo mi to, kedze sa stale citim viac clovekom ako vlkom.
::Ešte raz som si pozorne vypočula sprievodný komentár k filmu. Hovorí sa v ňom: "Mali (vlci) však smolu. Narazili na človeka, ktorý sa živil rovnakou potravou a používal rovnakú stratégiu lovu." Ako ďalej pokračuje komentár - vlci v súboji s človekom nemohli vyhrať. Rozprávač používa minulý čas, takže namieste by skor bola výhrada, či je vhodné pri parafrázovaní použiť prítomný, zovšeobecňujúci čas.
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DVD High Tatras - a Wilderness Frozen in Time Autor: Pavol Barabáš Price: EUR 9.90 Scale: 0 Category: Films - Documentaries and Travelogues Published by: K2 studio Edition 0. Published in 2008. ISBN: 0 0 pp. Media: DVD Dimensions: 0.00 x 0.00 cm | ||
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More in the category >> Films - Documentaries and Travelogues |
Published: 2008-10-14
Updated: 2008-10-14
Categories: - Nature, Environment