in SlovakSK

Plavecky Hrad Castle and Surroundings

The Border-Guarding Castle

Medieval castle was built as a guarding fort. The first word of the name "Plavecky" has origin in the warrior tribe of Polovci (or Plavci) invited here by Hungarian kings after the invasion of Tartars in 1241. Their task was to protect the frontiers of the Kingdom.

The Plavecky Castle

The castle was built in the middle of the 13th century. On the verge of the 14th and the 15th centuries, the castle belonged to Stibor from Stiborice. The Palffy family took possession of it in the 16th century. Desolated in the 18 century, then it fell into ruins.

There are strong bastions.

The castle is accessible from Plavecke Podhradie, on foot via a marked path.

The archeological site of Pohanska from the Upper Bronze Age and from the period of the Lower Iron Age is nearby. There are the remains of a Celtic oppidum, one of the largest in Slovakia.

The natural landmark of the area is the Plavecky kras karst spreading on an area of 39 square kilometers with numerous karstic springs, abysses sink holes and cave attics.

In the village Plavecke Podhradie there is a monumental manor house in the style of the Renaissance from the 17th century.


In the west part of the Small Carpathian Mountains (Male Karpaty).

How to get to the castle

By car from Bratislava by highway D2 till Lozorno. From Lozorno ride in northern direction till village Plavecke Podhradie. (About 42 kilometers.) You have to park a car on the village fringe and then follow an ascent in a forest. It takes about 30 minutes to achieve the Plavecky Hrad Castle ruins. It is a less difficult walk than ascent to Pajstun Castle ruins. Castle ruins are large and visitors are rewarded with a nice view of the Male Karpaty and Zahorie Lowland.


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Online Bratislava Guide

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Komentare k clanku

Kastiel (Jana, 18.2.2015)

Rada by som vedela, preco sa stale pise o kastieli v Plav. podhradi, ked nie je pristupny, ako som si precitala, clovek sa dostane iba do kaplnky, ale zatial som nezistila, ako sa tam da dostat.

Dobytie hradu gen. Starhenbergerom (Miloslav, ...)

V roku 1707 ho obsadila asi 200 clenna posadka hajduchov z pluku Gaspara Thurociho a stal sa utociskom manzeliek kuruckych dostojnikov pod vedenim kapitana Ondreja Stupavskeho.Plavecky hrad ako najvacsia pevnost bola nasledne obklucena cisarskym gen.Starhenbergerom ktory sa ho neuspesne pokusal dobyt vdaka hrdinskej obrane. Napokon bol nuteny doniest tazke delostrelectvo a po 3 dnoch tazkej palby 21.7.1707 kapitan hradu Ondrej Stupavsky a zivych 80 cl.pos. kapitulovalo. Hrdinska obrana sa nadlho zapisala do povedomia celeho Uhorska. Kapitan Stupavsky sa po vojne vratil domov do Holica kde 27.5.1726 aj zomrel.

Published: 2005-05-04
Updated: 2005-05-04

Categories: Trips, walks - Bratislava and Surroundings - Trips, walks