Trip on the Danube River - Stopfenreuth and Spittelauer branches
Wooden stairs, entrance for canoe near Stopfenreuth.
The Stopfenreuth Branch ends in the Danube and there is a a view to the Hainburg Castle.
At the end of the Stopfenreuth Branch you can take your canoes to another Spittelauer Branch, or jump to the great Danube River.

This bridge was removed in 2020. The Spittelauer Branch is directly connected to the Danube.

The mouth of the Spittelauer Branch after remodeling in 2020. Author / source: Dunajske zaujimavosti -
There was another weir in the Spittelauer Branch and at the end of the branch. The weir was removed in 2020. Behind this weir you will paddle in the Danube River.
There are ruins of the Rothelstein Castle on the right bank of the Danube. There is another castle soon - Devin which is on the left bank of the Danube, in Slovakia. There is a confluence of the Danube and Morava Rivers below the castle. Take care, there are dangerous water swirls.
Stopfenreuth roundtrip
It is possible to return back almost at the point of your start. You start on the Danube near Stopfenreuth, paddle down the river and turn left to the branches below Hainburg. Then paddle back to the Stopfenreuth area.
Text a photo by Vlado Bibel
Text by Vlado Bibel. Photo by Vlado Bibel and Dunajske zaujimavosti.
More information:
Výlety na kanojkách: Na Dunaji nad Bratislavou - Stopfenreuthské a Spittelauerské rameno
Dunaj 413 cm
Published: 2014-06-24
Updated: 2014-06-24
Categories: Water - Paddle Tours, River Guides - Trips, walks