in SlovakSK

Slovak Castles - Slovenske hrady

Slovak Castles - Slovenske hrady - Cover Page

Illustrated book with many color photographs of Slovak castles. Text is in Slovak and English languages.

Publication contains scarce views of the most interesting castles and chateaus in Slovakia. On its 160 pages 71 castles at 114 color pictures are captured. Brief text below the images are completed with eloquent text describing history of castles.

"Slovakia, though not large in its breadth, possesses a great deal of diverse beauties. High up on rocky cliffs, where they grew out, often at unbelievable circumstances, in harmony with colors of the surroundings greenth, satisfy the eye and uplift the spirit. Without them, the country would certainly seem pooorer. Nevertheless, they practically became a materialized encyclopedia of history, the evidence of architectonic evolution, aesthetic feelings, invention and courage of their creators. They remind us our roots, of the time going by of caducity."

(From the Introduction)

Slovak Castles - Slovenske hrady
Price: EUR 39.77
Scale: 0
Category: Pictorial Books
Published by: AB ART PRESS
Edition 1.
Published in 0.
ISBN: 80-88817-39-0
0 pp.
Dimensions: 25.00 x 32.50 cm
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>> Pictorial Books

Published: 2007-02-06
Updated: 2007-02-06

Categories: - Historical Attractions