in SlovakSK

Exlibris a supralibros

Exlibris a supralibros - Cover Page

The monograph written by Slovak historian Ľubomír Jankovič is an attempt to handle a complex domain of bookplates and ownership marks as historical sources that are significant for miscellaneous purposes.

Exlibris  from the 17th century

The essential part of the monograph includes analysed and evaluated results of a research into almost unknown and unpublished sources dating from 16th through 19th centuries, especially Slovak-related bookplates, supralibros marks that the autor discovered in historical collections of the Slovak National Library. There are many photocopies of bookplates and supralibros in the publication. The book won The most beautiful non-fiction Slovak book award in 2004. Summary is in English and German languages.

Exlibris a supralibros
Autor: Ľubomír Jankovič
Price: EUR 8.63
Scale: 0
Category: Culture, Arts
Published by: Matica Slovenská
Edition 1.
Published in 2004.
ISBN: 80-7090-739-8
192 pp.
Dimensions: 17.50 x 24.50 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Culture, Arts

Published: 2005-08-30
Updated: 2005-08-30

Categories: - History