Alsó sebes, Árvai Bukó Weir, Ásványráró - Danube River branch, Beginning of branch near Sipova hat, Bigger lake near Rajka, Bird watchtower - Öntési Island, Bodicke Rameno Branch - the Danube River, Bodiky weir entrance to the water - Danube River Branches, Branches connection - Rajka Danube Arms, Bridge with pipes - Dobrohost, Camping Doborgáz - Dunasziget, Cernavoda - water locks, Csökös Zárás, Čunovo - entrance for paddlers, Dolna Vojcianska Prehradzka Weir, End of Stopfenreuth Branch, Entrance to Danube branch near Rajka, Farkaslyuki zárás (4), Felsö sebes, Gombócosi zárás (2), Horna Vojcianska Prehradzka Weir, Meander Turn - Dunasziget branches, Mouth of the Spittelauer Branch, Mys Navratu, Pontoon - Danube River branches near Bodiky, Sluice - Dobrohost, Smaller lake near Rajka, Smaragdove rameno branch, Spittelauer Branch - closed area, Spittelauer Branch - Danube, Stairs to Hungary (1), Stopfenreuth - camping site, Stopfenreuth - entrance to the branch, Sulianska Brana Gate, Sulianske Jazero Lake, Szigetpart Kapu Gate, The confluence of the Breg and Brigach rivers, which begins the Danube, Tótkalapi áteresz, Transfer to the Danube River (5), Turn direction Dunasziget, Turn left before Újszigeti Bukó (3), Turn to Benda entrance, Turn to the Milan Lakes, Turn to the Ordogsziget Lake, Vadviz Camping, Vojcianska Danube Gate, Vojka - paddle trips start, Vojka Lake, Weir Pókmacskási Zárás, Wooden Jetty - Danube River branches near Bodiky