The tourist guide is a part of the series Knapsacked Travel in Slovakia intended for hikers.
The guide contains detailed description of the 45 individual routes in the High Tatras (Vysoke Tatry) and Belanske Tatry and in the Northern Spis - i.e. in the Spisska Magura, Pieniny and Lubovnianska vrchovina.
Maps, information on schedules of routes and altitude differences are included. The guide was published in the English, German, Polish and Slovak languages.
The following is the contents of the 1st edition which was published in English language. The 3rd edition is in Slovak language only in July 2020.
Introduction 3
How to use the guidebook 5
Situation 9
Natural setting 10
Map 20
1 The Temnosmrecianska dolina valley 22
2 From Tri studnicky to the Krivan Mt. 26
3 From Strbske Pleso to the Krivan Mt. 28
4 The walk on the hiking path – western part 30
5 The Predne Solisko 32
6 The Skok waterfall 34
7 The Mlynicka and Furkotska dolina valleys 36
8 Around Strbske Pleso 38
9 The Popradske pleso lake 40
10 The Hincove plesa lakes 42
11 The Koprovsky stit peak 44
12 The Rysy Mt. 48
13 The Batizovske pleso lake 51
14 From Tatranska Polianka to the Sliezsky dom 54
15 The Vychodna Vysoka Mt. 56
16 From Stary Smokovec to the Sliezsky dom 59
17 Around Smokovce 61
18 The Slavkovsky stit peak 64
19 From Stary Smokovec to the waterfalls of the Studeny potok 66
20 From Stary Smokovec to the Skalnate pleso lake 68
21 From Tatranska Lomnica to the Skalnate pleso lake 71
22 From Tatranska Lomnica to the waterfalls of the Studeny potok 74
23 Around Tatranska Lomnica 76
24 The Mala and Velka Studena dolina valleys 79
25 The Zelene pleso lake 82
26 From Tatranske Matliare to the Velke Biele pleso lake 85
27 The Jahnaci stit peak 88
28 The Belianska jaskyna cave 92
29 From Tatranska Kotlina to the Velke Biele pleso lake 94
30 Around Zdiar 98
31 From Zdiar to Tatranska Lomnica 100
32 From Zdiar to Osturne 104
33 From Zdiar to Velka Frankova 106
34 From Zdiar to Jezersko 108
35 The ridge tour of the Spisska Magura Mts. – western part 110
36 The ridge tour of the Spisska Magura Mts. – eastern part 112
37 The Javorova dolina and Mala Studena dolina valleys 114
38 Across Zadne Medodoly and the valley of Kezmarska Biela voda 118
39 The Bielovodska dolina and Velka Studena dolina valleys 122
40 The Veterny vrch Mt. 126
41 From Nizne Ruzbachy to Stara Lubovna 128
42 Through the gorge of Poprad 130
43 Through the Jarabinsky prielom gorge to the Lubovniansky hrad 132
44 Across the Male Pieniny Mts. 134
45 Through the Prielom Dunajca gorge to the Haligovske skaly rocks 136
Natural landmarks and points of interests 139
Register 145
Dictionary 147
Practical information 148
20 najkrajších turistických trás vo Vysokých Tatrách nájdete v treťom doplnenom vydaní sprievodcu z edície S batohom po Slovensku od Vydavateľstva Dajama.
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S batohom po Slovensku: Vysoké Tatry Price: EUR 10.16 Scale: 0 Category: Guidebooks to Hiking in Slovakia Published by: Dajama Edition 3. Published in 2020. ISBN: 978-80-8136-110-4 128 pp. Paperback Dimensions: 11.50 x 16.50 cm | ||
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More in the category >> Guidebooks to Hiking in Slovakia |
Published: 2003-01-15
Updated: 2020-07-08
Categories: Hiking, Trekking - Slovakia - Guidebooks