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Celkový počet: 43
Počet stránok:2
Pajstun Castle
Updated: 04/20/2021
Knapsacked Travel in Slovakia: The High Tatras (Vysoke Tatry)
Updated: 07/08/2020
My trek
Updated: 05/16/2016
Mit Rucksack durch die Slowakei: Niedere Tatra
Updated: 01/15/2015
The Lookout Tower at the Velka Homola Hill
Updated: 01/15/2015
Mit Rucksack durch die Slowakei: West-Tatra
Updated: 01/15/2015
The Tematin Castle and the Golden Eagle
Updated: 01/15/2015
Mit dem Rucksack durch die Slowakei: Rund um Bratislava - Kleine Karpaten
Updated: 01/15/2015
Mit dem Rucksack durch die Slowakei: Hohe Tatra (Vysoke Tatry)
Updated: 01/15/2015
Slovensky Raj Paradise - Unique Natural Attraction
Updated: 01/15/2015
Mit dem Rucksack durch die Slowakei: Kleine Fatra
Updated: 01/15/2015
Kralova Hola Hill
Updated: 01/15/2015
Batizovske Pleso Tarn
Updated: 08/05/2013
Turisticky atlas Slovensko 1:50000 (The Hiking Atlas of Slovakia)
Updated: 11/30/2011
Hiking in the High Tatras
Updated: 03/28/2011
Knapsacked travel in Slovakia. Around Bratislava, The Male Karpaty Mts.
Updated: 08/05/2010
Kamzik Hill – Koliba area
Updated: 01/06/2010
Series Natural Heritage of Slovakia
Updated: 06/25/2009
Trip to Zbojnicka Chata
Updated: 06/20/2009
National Parks (Natural Heritage of Slovakia)
Updated: 06/17/2009
Mit dem Rucksack durch die Slowakei: Schemnitzer Berge
Updated: 03/18/2009
Z plecakiem po Slowacji: Mala Fatra
Updated: 03/18/2009
Z plecakiem po Slowacji: Nizne Tatry
Updated: 03/18/2009
Trip to Velky Choc Hill
Updated: 05/28/2008
Rocket Silos at the Devinska Kobyla in Bratislava
Updated: 05/01/2008
Trip to the Sulovske Skaly Rocks
Updated: 03/06/2007
DVD The Tatras a Mystery
Updated: 03/27/2006
Vysoke Tatry - The High Tatras - Guidebooks and Maps
Updated: 03/10/2006
Knapsacked Travel in Slovakia: The West Tatras (Zapadne Tatry)
Updated: 10/27/2005
The Fame of the Cachtice Castle Springs from the Dark History of the Bloody Lady
Updated: 10/11/2005