We are sorry, a lot of the following books etc. is sold out.
Tourist Guidebooks (Hiking, Trekking, Climbing, Winter Sports)
Tatry from the Clouds
The guidebook offers to readers views of the Tatras's valleys from the bird's perspective. The pages let us know the beauty of the Tatras and trekking options permitted by the Rules of the Slovak and Polish Tatras's national Parks for the visitors.
Vysoke Tatry - Najkrajsie turisticke trasy (The best hiking routes)
This is pocket High Tatras hiking guidebook which is written entirely in the Slovak language. It contains 50 hiking routes with 50 maps, scale 1:50 000 and very nice color pictures.
Vysoke Tatry - Najkrajsie turisticke trasy
Climbing Guide Vysoke Tatry
A small climbing guide contains selected clasical routes with maps to 17 pinnacles in the High Tatras. At the beginning of the guide are pictographs labeled in Slovak, English, German and French languages. Pictographs allow users to understand meaning of maps.
Knapsacked Travel in Slovakia: The High Tatras (Vysoke Tatry)
The tourist guide is a part of the series Knapsacked Travel in Slovakia intended for hikers.
The guide contains detailed description of the 45 individual routes in the High Tatras (Vysoke Tatry) and Belanske Tatry and in the Northern Spis - i.e. in the Spisska Magura, Pieniny and Lubovnianska vrchovina.
Maps, information on schedules of routes and altitude differences are included. The guide was published in the English, German, Polish and Slovak languages.
Knapsacked Travel in Slovakia: The High Tatras (Vysoke Tatry)
The Slovak-Polish Tatras
The guide is a part of the series called Regions without frontiers. It includes color pictures and maps.
"The territory around the Tatras overlaps with almost the whole of the Orava, Liptov, Spis and Podhale region, while only the remotest corners of the regions have been omitted herein," writes the editor of the guide in the introduction.
The guidebook appears in six languages - Slovak, English, German, Hungarian, Polish and Russians.
Visiting Slovakia - Tatras Guidebook (the 2nd edition)
The series Visiting Slovakia promotes regions of Slovakia. The title Tatras was prepared in the second edition in 2006. It appears in six languages: Slovak, English, German, Hungarian, Russian and Polish.
Tatry - Poznavame Slovensko (2. vydanie)
Berg und Wanderführer - Hohe Tatra - Gebirge der Nordslowakei (4 Bänden)
The guidebook for hiking and trekking to the mountains in the North Slovakia ( the High Tatras, Mala Fatra, Velka Fatra, Chocske vrchy, Nizke Tatry, Slovensky Raj). It consists from four volumes. In German language.
Berg und Wanderfuehrer - Hohe Tatra - Gebirge der Nordslowakei (4 Bänden)
Tatra Mountains and Surroundings
Tourist guide to the Slovak and Polish Tatras - with maps, itineraries and color photos. Published in Slovak, English and German languages.
Tatra Mountains and Surroundings
Vysoke Tatry - Atlas ortofotomap - 1 : 15 000
Detailed Ortophotomap atlas of the High Tatras includes 3d overwiev map of the High Tatras. Legend is in Slovak, English, German, Polish and Hungarian languages. It is the most detailed map of the High Tatras we have.
Vysoke Tatry - Atlas ortofotomap - 1:15 000 (Ortophotomap Atlas of the High Tatras)
Vysoke Tatry – Podrobna turisticka mapa - 1:25 000 (The High Tatras – Detailed Hiking Map)
There are a map in scale 1:25 000 and tourist guide in one set.
Vysoke Tatry – 1:25 000 (The High Tatras – Hiking Map)
Tatry - Podrobny Turisticky Atlas (Detailed Tourist Atlas)
Detailed tourist atlas of the Tatras Mountains. In Slovak only.
Tatry - podrobny turisticky atlas
Vysoke Tatry (The High Tatras) 1:50 000 and CD ROM
A map of the High Tatras with a CD ROM. There is a version without CD ROM too. Scale of the map is 1:50 000.
CD ROM has a flaw - for routes up and down the hills the same time data are computed. But distances are all right and at the end the CD can be helpful as a route planner for hikers.
Tatry - Západné, Vysoké, Belianske
Tatry, Spis, Zamagurie (Tourist Atlas)
The guidebook and map. In Slovak, Czech and Polish languages.
Tatry, Spis, Zamagurie (Atlas turistickych zaujimavosti)
Pictorial Books, DVDs
DVD The Tatras a Mystery
DVD contains film The Tatras a Mystery, two documentaries about activities in the High Tatras, film festival prizes, Slovak and English menu versions. Photography, editing, directing: Pavol Barabas, Music: Oskar Rozsa.
DVD Metamorphoses of the Tatra Mountains
DVD includes English and Slovak version, film Metamorphoses of the Tatra Mountains, film Beyond the Frontiers of Darkness about the climb of a blind mountaineer on the Gerlach Peak and other information about the Tatra Mountains.
DVD Premeny Tatier (Metamorphoses of the Tatra Mountains)
DVD High Tatras - A Wilderness frozen in Time
The documentary describes the protected natural area in all its complexity, depicting it as a place where people encroach with respect for nature. Life in the mountains is pictured as a struggle for survival, as life in which man is put at the same level as other animal species.
DVD includes Slovak, English, German and Russian language versions.
DVD High Tatras - a Wilderness Frozen in Time
DVD High Tatras from East to West
DVD depicts views of the High Tatras main hiking paths, peaks, valleys, terrain and nearby cities and villages.
DVD High Tatras from East to West
The High Tatras
This pistorial publication is filled with beautiful color photographs. There are 113 pictures of 19 valleys, more than 50 peaks, 4 villages and 8 mountain cottages.
Published in 3 versions - in English, German and in Slovak language.
Tatry pre teba
A little guidebook to the High Tatras with many color photographs. In Slovak, Czech and French languages.
Príroda Tatier na starých pohľadniciach
The High Tatras Nature on the old postcards. The publication presents a part of big collection of Ivan Bohus jr. Text is in Slovak language only.
Priroda Tatier na starych pohladniciach
Journalism, Science
Vietor v Tatrach (The Wind in Tatras)
The main goal of the publication The Wind in Tatras is to inform about ecological disaster in the High Tatras (Vysoke Tatry) as well as to support public discussion. The High Tatras were hit and demaged by extra strong whirlwind in November 2004.
The text is in Slovak language. Short Summary in English language is in the end of the book.
Vietor v Tatrach (The Wind in the Tatras)
O com hovoria nase vrchy
Two Slovak scientists and authors of non-fictions books Dusan Hovorka and Jozef Michalik write about genesis of Slovak mountains. In Slovak language.
Slovakia - Guidebooks and Maps
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Knapsacked Travel in Slovakia: The High Tatras (Vysoke Tatry) Price: EUR 8.93 Scale: 0 Category: Guidebooks to Hiking in Slovakia in English Published by: Dajama Edition 1. Published in 2001. ISBN: 80-88975-35-2 150 pp. Paperback Dimensions: 11.50 x 16.50 cm | ||
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More in the category >> Guidebooks to Hiking in Slovakia in English |
Published: 2006-03-10
Updated: 2006-03-10
Categories: Tourist Guidebooks - except Slovakia - Hiking, Trekking - Slovakia - guidebooks