in SlovakSK

Slovencina pre Cudzincov Textbook

Slovak for Foreigners

Sold out in March 2013.

This textbook has been written for all foreigners who want to study the Slovak language. The textbook is done entirely in Slovak.

The textbook is a full-color illustrated paperback. Previous editions of the textbook were published with a set of 3 cassettes and a workbook. In 2006 a CD ROM was published instead of the cassettes.

Authors: Tomas Dratva, PhDr. Viktoria Buznova, 1998.
Illustrations: akademicky maliar Frantisek Jaksics, akademicka maliarka Eva Kyselicova.

The 3-rd edition, 2005.

Text, 280 pp.

More information:

Sound Samples - Slovencina pre Cudzincov Textbook

Sound Samples Slovencina pre Cudzincov Workbook

Slovak Language for Foreigners

Slovenčina pre cudzincov (Slovak for Foreigners) - sold out
Price: EUR 22.73
Scale: 0
Category: Slovak Language, Textbooks
Published by: Slovenske pedagogicke vydavatelstvo - Mlade leta, spol. s r. o.
Edition 3.
Published in 2005.
ISBN: 80-10-00715-3
0 pp.
Dimensions: 21.00 x 29.70 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Slovak Language, Textbooks

Published: 2002-12-30
Updated: 2002-12-30

Categories: Languages, Translations