ISO 2-letters code: SK
3-letters code: SVK
Internet domain: SK
For basic geographic data see Geography of Slovakia.
Map of webcams in Slovakia and surrounding.
A simple list of cities and villages in Slovakia.
BRATISLAVA - the capital of Slovakia. Population 586,000, location 48-10' NL, 17-10' EL.
Links are directed to lists of webcams in the cities regions:
Kosice (population 235,000), Nitra (90,000), Presov (88,000), Banska Bystrica (85,000), Zilina (84,000), Trnava (72,000), Martin (60,000), Trencin (57,000), Poprad (53,000), Zvolen (42,000).
Slovakia adopted the Euro on January 1, 2009. On July 8, 2008 the European Union had formally invited Slovakia to join the European single currency and had set the rate at which crowns (koruna) were exchanged for euros. The official rate was set at 30.1260 crowns to the Euro.
See HERE how Slovak Euro coins look. For more information see the National Bank of Slovakia site and the European Central Bank site.
On May 1, 2004 the Slovak republic became a part of the European Union. Visa and custom duties were adjusted according to European directives.
As of the 21st December 2007, the Slovak republic together with Estonia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Poland and Slovenia have become part of the Schengen area. Controls at internal land and sea borders between these countries and the current 15 member states were lifted. The checks on external borders remain the same as new Member States to the EU have been applying the Schengen external border acquis since accession. The Slovak Republic has external border with Ukraine.
More information about travelling to Slovakia is on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs page.
CET (Central European Time) = GMT+1 (Summer time (CET DST) +1 hour).
Summer time starts at the end of March and ends at the end of October.
Voltage: 220V/50Hz
Video System: PAL (newer), sound CCIR D/K
Picture of electricity plug used in Slovakia.
Country's Telephone Code: 421
More information on telephoning to/from Slovakia.
Integrated emergency services - police, ambulance or the fire department - phone number 112
Police - phone 158
Ambulance - phone: 155
Safety tips - for the capital Bratislava
Store Hours::
Generally 9 - 18 (some with lunch break). Some of the biggest hypermarkets are open roundclock or from 8:00 till 22:00. (See the list of holidays below.)
Banks may close at 16:00.
On Saturday most stores close at noon, but in shopping malls are open till evening.
Sunday, except hypermarkets and shopping centers almost none are open.
Links to the biggest shopping malls and hypermarkets in Bratislava.
January 1 | Day of the Slovak Republic - shops are closed |
January 6 | Three Kings - shops are closed |
April 18 | Good Friday (Velky Piatok in Slovak) - shops are closed |
April 21 | Easter Monday (Velkonocny pondelok) - shops are closed also on Easter Sunday |
May 1 | Labour Day - shops are closed |
May 8 | VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) - shops are closed |
July 5 | Sts. Cyril and St. Methodius Day - shops are closed |
August 29 | Day of the anti-Nazi Slovak National Uprising - shops are closed |
September 1 | Constitution Day (Slovak Republic, 1993) |
September 15 | Madonna patron of Slovakia - shops are closed |
November 1 | All Saints Day - shops are closed |
November 17 | Fight for Freedom and Democracy Day - shops are closed |
December 24 | Christmas Eve (Christmas in Slovakia) - shops are closed after midday |
December 25 | I. Christmas holiday - shops are closed |
December 26 | II. Christmas holiday - St. Stefans Day - shops are closed |
Continental with hot summers and cold winters.
The coldest month is January
Where (height) | Jul (C) | Jan (C) | Year avg. (C) |
Bratislava (133m) | 20.4 | -1.9 | 9.8 |
Zilina (366 m) | 17.0 | -4.0 | 7.2 |
Poprad (703 m) | 16.2 | -5.9 | 5.8 |
Kremnica (1167 m) | 13.8 | -5.4 | 4.1 |
Lomnicky stit (2633 m) | 4.2 | -11.6 | -3.7 |
Kosice (206 m) | 19.6 | -3.6 | 8.7 |
Embassies and consular representations in Slovakia and Slovak embassies worldwide, cultural centers. See the Ministry of Foreign Affairs page.
Postal ZIP codes (PSC) of Slovak cities.
Search for a person, a company in Slovakia - a list of links.
If you are a foreigner and wants to live or make a business in Slovakia, you may find useful the Central Government Portal. It is an information system designed to provide service and information to the public through the common internet access point. Some topics of the portal useful for expats (in Englich language):
Foreign statutory of the legal entity
How to obtain a residence card with electronic chip
How to apply for alternative authenticator
Marriage between a Slovak citizen and a foreign national
How to set up a business enterprise in the Slovak Republic?
How to register your company to the Commercial Register of the Slovak Republic?
Social and health insurance for foreigners in Slovakia
Electronic vignette for motorways – eZnamka
Alternative authenticator for foreign statutory representatives
For more see >>.
How to Get to Slovakia - transportation guide. Airports, The Danube River, railway, buses, searching for all kinds of transport.
Bratislava Cultural and Information Center
List of galleries in Bratislava
Bits and Pieces of Slovak Culture
About Slovak cuisine (a small culinary dictionary).
SLOVAKIA GUIDE / SLOVAKIA DOCUMENT STORE: >>#slovakia #tourist #guide #useful #information #travel #visitor
Published: 2012-01-06
Updated: 2012-01-06
Categories: Guide - Trips, walks